Friday, 22 March 2013


The term learning is as old as humanity.people have been learning for themselves and for the society,all through the years..In human resource development learning is referred to as a process of behavioural change.It is not ascribed to physical behaviour but a psychological behaviour. Learning brings about acquiring a knowledge,understanding it and involves a transfer to your brain for storage.

Learning was perceived differently by people of different times .for the uneducated learning is reading aloud by the children.But children in middle schools perceive this as a process of remembrance of what they read.Here the objective of the student is to secure marks in higher levels students perceive learning as an understanding of concepts and application of knowledge this stage students observe there is a mismatch between what is learnt and what is to be applied at various situations.again the learning has faced turbulent practical fields like in factories or industries where even if you know the concepts and applications,you are found this juncture,it is understood that for effective learning,there is a necessity of skill development.Finally there was again dissatisfaction about learning in it's role of evaluation of system performance.Then learning has approached research and development.Thus management of various organisations started training and development for the benefit of employees and research and development for the better performance of industries.

In the school level when the teacher teaches a language,concept,the teacher himself should know what exactly he wants to communicate,transfer,convince and reinforce the same in students brain.The retension in your brain has two phases -short term and long term.So remember to lock the knowledge in your brain,otherwise it will escape when you are away from it.In between go back,open your brain, confirm whether it is intact .If not again strenghthen and lock it.

In the process of learning student should be fully free ,not to believe the teacher as such till he is convinced..Student should use all his physical senses to analyse,co-relate,critically examine and confirm it before accepting and transfer it to your brain.

To be an effective learner you should have a better communication skill and a command over the language.similarly the development of skill depends o the amount of yoour practice and initiative.Learning depends on many factors including physical stamina,quality of food,rest,sleep and mental peace.

Knowledge acquired also depreciates over a period of overcome this you should acquire knowledge through all other possible sources by your own initiative.

Learning will be most effective and fruitful only when it is done with a passion.and all successful personalities in the world have proved it and they made learning as a LEARNER ORIENTED ACTIVITY than a TEACHER ORIENTED EFFORT

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